Environment & Health
Katie Hill Portrait

Katie Hill

Co-Founder My Green Pod

Hello Katie here –co-founder of MGP 👋

For those of you who don’t know me, my career began pursuing my huge passion for independent and investigative journalism. I became a senior writer, researcher and eventually a deputy editor for Which? Magazine. I also spent two years in Mumbai running RightChoice Magazine, the ‘Indian Which?’, and as a contributing co-editor forUK-based GreenSpirit Magazine.

When Jarvis and I co-founded My Green Pod in 2013, I was lucky enough to combine my experience exposing the truth with my lifelong passion for clean living and the environment 🌳

My Green Pod Magazine remains independent, allowing me to uncover various unethical business practices and reveal the truth about what’s lurking inside everyday products.

The more I researched, the more I discovered about mainstream products, the companies that make them and the environmental impact they can have. No one was talking about any of this; shoppers still trust big brands with a strong high street presence to create safe products. I felt people had a right to know the truth and make their own choices, based on a clear view of all their options.

This is why Jarvis andI launched the ethical Marketplace on MGP. We personally research and select all the brands on the site and will only work with companies we know take sustainability seriously. Before you buy anything, always ask whether you really need it. If you do, then buy the most ethical, sustainable option. This is how we would like you to use My Green Pod: a hassle-free way to discover your real options and find gorgeous, effective sustainable alternatives that will lighten your lifestyle 💚

Much love,

Katie x