Science & Consciousness
Howard Martin Portrait

Howard Martin


Howard Martin is one of the original leaders who helped foundHeartMath in 1991. A key spokesperson for the HeartMath Companies, HowardMartin is deeply passionate about the topics he presents.

Through his talks Howard illuminates the intelligence of the heart, describing how we can access it to create positive and sustainable change.

His presentations provide a unique clarity and sense of ease about the evolutionary changes many are experiencing personally, collectively and socially.

Howard shows us how we can actively participate in thec reation of our individual and collective future. His Southern roots play into the palpable warmth and gentle humor you will experience when you meet him.

He is a co-author of the highly acclaimed book The HeartMath Solution and contributing author of Heart Intelligence. Most recently, Howard helped to co-create TheHeartMath Experience, a new online video program introduced by HeartMath inJanuary 2020.

Howard is also a member of The Transformational Leadership council, an organization founded by author Jack Canfield, and TheEvolutionary Leaders, a group of select global visionaries founded by Deepak Chopra.