Environment & Health
Jarvis Smith Portrait

Jarvis Smith

Co-Founder My Green Pod

Hello all 👋

For those that are new here, I'm Jarvis, co-founder of MGP. I have made it my life's mission to educate myself and others on how to live more sustainably. For me it all started when I was invited onto a TV show called Dumped back in 2007. We had to live on a landfill for three weeks – we had nothing and had to build everything we needed as a community out of rubbish. One person’s waste is another person’s gold!

It really highlighted to me the dark side of consumerism and how much damage we were doing to the planet. It made me want to inspire people to live differently, and recognise the unsung heroes who are pushing for ethical alternatives to business as usual.

This is why I launched the P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards – the UK's leading sustainability awards – now in its 11th year, and started My Green Pod with my wife Katie.

First and foremost, we always encourage people to think before they buy. The most sustainable products are the ones you already own 💚

So think, do you need that new T-shirt? Can you make do with what you have or buy second hand if not?If you do need it, then buy well. That is to say, from ethical and sustainable brands that minimise as much as possible the impact on the planet. That's what we offer: personally vetted and all in one place that you can trust. You can see for yourself at MyGreenPod.com

Jarvis 🙏


In Jarvis Smith two worlds collide with dynamic effect. On one hand a proud hippie, mystic, self-confessed tree-hugger and radical eco-warrior, Jarvis is also a thought leader, entrepreneur, speaker and renowned online retail businessman. His work gracing global publications, he now partners with and is advising brands including Natwest, HSBC, Deloitte, Citrix, the Parliament Trust, Octopus Energy, Yeo Valley and Weleda. It was in the middle of 14 years’ Shamanic training that Jarvis’ true awakening happened, during the filming of 2007 Channel 4 reality TV show ‘Dumped’. Shot on location on a Croydon landfill, the experience opened Jarvis’ eyes to the vast devastation human lifestyle waste was having on the planet. It was a realisation that was to lead to a lifetime’s work protecting the Earth. His first magazine GREEN was published with National Geographic from 2008, which then moved to The Guardian in 2010, evolving into the My Green Pod magazine from 2013. Co-produced with wife Katie Hill, it is now the world’s biggest ethical lifestyle magazine. Jarvis launched the P.E.A. (People Environment Achievement) Awards which, in its 11th year, is the UK’s leading sustainability awards and honours individuals and teams for their contribution towards sustainability. Spring of 2021 sees Katie and Jarvis collaborate with Jo Wood for the My Green Podcast, interviewing celebrities like Fearne Cotton about their ethical endeavours. Providing shoppers with a healthy, affordable retail space that is good for them, their children, their families and ultimately, the planet, Jarvis and Katie’s online eco-conscious store www.mygreenpod.com leads the field in ethical shopping. In the next decade Jarvis’ intent is to provide an ethical alternative to Amazon, with real purpose and proper values. As his message and impact spreads, so the My Green Pod project continues to grow in strength, reputation and effect.